
与博士的办公时间. 爱德华·安东尼奥

Michelle Eggink,内容营销助理总监 & 通信
Dr. 爱德华·安东尼奥在他洛厄尔·托马斯的办公室里. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Office Hours is a segment where the Inside Marist team sparks captivating conversations with key members of the campus community. 了解更多有关学院的内部运作, 获得新的视角, and celebrate the invaluable contributions of those who make Marist the vibrant community that it is.

在这个片段中,Inside Marist的Michelle Eggink采访了Dr. 爱德华·安东尼奥,副总裁 多样性、股票、 & 包容.

博士图像. 安东尼奥
Dr. 爱德华·安东尼奥,DEI的副总裁. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.


首先,我是一个刮刮高尔夫球手. 已故的蒂姆·普莱斯教我打高尔夫球, brother to the Zimbabwean professional golfer (and three-time major champion) Nick Price. 我在津巴布韦给尼克·普莱斯当过球童. 我大学时划船,当过舵手. I speak many languages, the one that people do not associate with me is Hebrew. I was a journalist before I became an academic, and later an administrator.


Outside of academia, I read a lot, I cook a lot, I bake, run, and roast my own coffee. 我做手工面包、松露、英式烤饼和蛋糕. Although I am far from being a connoisseur, I collect wines and single malt scotch.

Q I love the windows in your office; what do you like about your office’s central view of campus?

每当我(在洛厄尔·托马斯)向办公室窗外望去, 我看到很多学生从我身边走过. When I see them, I cannot help but think that each of them is on a journey. Each one of them has hopes, dreams, fears, worries, and so much potential. I don’t take any of them for granted and feel excited to see them in an environment where they learn, 成长, 创造他们自己的故事. 它有力地提醒我们为什么我们在这里.

Dr. 安东尼奥望着办公室窗外
Dr. 安东尼奥望着办公室窗外. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Q How does the term ‘belonging’ fit into the Office of 多样性、股票、 & 包容?

A 归属有很多方面. These include sense of being at home, emotional connection, acceptance 和包容. 在bet亚洲365欢迎投注,归属感是一种希望. We hope everyone has a sense of belonging, a sense of being deeply connected to this place. 归属感是一种承诺, and so we work to create an environment in which everyone can embrace that promise. 归属感是对每一个学习的人的邀请, 作品, and plays here to claim Marist as vital part of their experience, 作为他们红狐身份的一部分. 归属感的产生离不开背景. 我们需要首先建立多样性、公平性和包容性. People must come together from all different walks of life to create an environment in which we all feel we can belong.

Q There are so many mental and physical health benefits from feeling a sense of belonging. How, as a community, can we feel like we belong with one another despite our differences?

A 作为人类,我们天生就有归属感和联系. It’s in our genetic makeup to seek out belonging because we need it to survive and thrive. 如果你看看大自然, 一切都是相互联系的, and diversity is built into the structure of every ecosystem to help everything really live.

问题是,我们不知何故决定断开连接, 使我们与自然和彼此疏远. We live in a polarized world precisely because we’ve forgotten that what makes us human is that we belong to each other. So, we make excuses around race and 性别 and other differences to divide ourselves. 我在DEI办公室的愿景&B is to help create an environment where while we see and acknowledge each other’s differences, 我们也注意到我们有如此多的共同点. We are all interconnected, we all belong, no matter how different or unique. 这是一个需要保持的重要平衡.

博士图像. 安东尼奥与同事讨论跨宗教项目.
博士图像. 安东尼奥和同事讨论跨宗教项目. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.


A)持续学习 & 转型发展- To create meaningful change, we need to be engaged in an ongoing process of learning. We need to learn about ourselves and the differences we bring to the table, and we need to learn about each other and our community here at Marist. DEI办公室&B将通过研讨会帮助促进学习和发展, 受教育机会, and helping 教师 bring an equity mindset to their research and to their teaching. 这种学习将通过研讨会进行, 小组讨论, 教师在线课程, 员工和学生通过不同的DEI编程.
2)通过叙事构建社区-培养强大的DEI社区精神, we will be introducing story-sharing and story-exchange events to help people develop more empathy and gain different perspectives. 在这个过程中, 我们会有学生, 教师, and staff sit down together and share their own stories about important aspects of their background and life. 在别人分享了他们的故事之后, another person who has listened will then tell that person’s story as if it was their own personal story. Expert facilitators will explain the practice and help people learn perspective-taking and what it might be like to step into someone else’s shoes.
3)建立恢复性司法实践-与教职员工合作, my office will introduce Restorative Justice practices to help deepen and strengthen sense of expansive community, address challenges in our relationships and interactions that arise we encounter as part of living in a diverse community. Restorative Justice is important for restoring broken relationships and promoting better caring and empathic interactions.

博士图像. 安东尼奥和学生们
Dr. 安东尼奥 speaking with students at Admitted Student Day at bet亚洲365欢迎投注. 图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Q Is there anything you want to demystify about the Office of DEI&B和多样性对机构意味着什么?

It’s important for people to understand that DEI encompasses much more than race, 性, 性别, 和残疾. The primary objective of this office is to provide leadership to the College in fostering a sense of community and connection. It’s to help us learn that our differences are assets rather than liabilities. This isn't just about race; it's about human connection. 在本质上, it's about cultivating a community of people who care about equity, 正义, 和包容.

DEI is not an aside or an afterthought, it’s a central part of this College’s mission and vision. We collectively shape the kind of community we want to be part of. 每一个人, 是否一个学生, 工作人员, 或者教职员工, 带来了独特的才能. I care deeply that everyone feels accepted and that DEI is a part of all of our work.

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